Our Curriculum


We want our children to learn, progress and develop across the 7 areas of learning as described in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

We want our children to celebrate their uniqueness; to be inquisitive and independent thinkers, to learn how to investigate and problem solve for now and for their futures.

We want our children to be resilient; to understand their worth and that of others around them. We want them to learn about their emotions and know how to regulate them.

We want our children to learn how to respect the world and all the beings that inhabit it.

We want our children to be positive citizens of their community. To know how to communicate effectively and interact with the people around them; to be socially active.

We want our children to enjoy being active and to know that exercise can help them be healthy.

We want our children to feel safe and secure in their environment and to know they are welcome at our setting.

We want our children to be happy and enjoy coming to our setting.

We want children to reach their potential and meet their future life goals.


The Early Years Foundation Stage, Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters form the framework of our curriculum, see links below.

We use in the moment planning and strive to ensure all children have access to a curriculum that meets their individual needs. We have adopted Development Matters to guide a sequenced learning experience, building on what children already know.

We offer enriching activities and resources so children can learn through play. We scaffold learning by providing a range of experiences that are adult initiated.

We work closely with our families, sharing information and strategies to promote progress in all areas of learning and development.

Our Keyperson approach enables us to gather in depth information about children’s interests and needs.

We utilise celebrations and festivals from here and around the world to promote awareness and understanding of others.

We use our outdoor environment to promote health and wellbeing.

We use our wider community to offer opportunities to extend our children’s cultural capital.


The effectiveness of our curriculum is measured by the progress the children make; this is measured, recorded and shared with parents/carers.

We provide termly summative assessments and parent meetings to discuss outcomes and next steps. Children’s next steps are added to our planning cycle.

Planning is reflected on and evaluated during weekly staff planning meetings, half termly staff meeting and staff training days.

Please see our indoor notice board for our sequenced curriculum.