
September 2024 Autumn Term

 Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to the autumn term, it was lovely to see you last week, we hope you have had a lovely summer! Welcome to our new parents, we hope to have a long and happy association with you. 

We would like to thank you for all the cards and gifts we received at the end of last term, they were really appreciated, you are so kind. 

We hope you have found our new opening times manageable, the feedback from the children so far has been positive, particularly from those coming in at 12.10. 

Our Unique Me display needs updating. We’d love to include a baby photo of each of the children in this display, this will give them a sense of ownership over their setting and an understanding of themselves in the past. It would be great, therefore, if you could provide a photo. 

Please name all bags, coats and lunchboxes, we have a few the same and it is difficult for the children to tell which belongs to whom. Pop lunchboxes on the trolley and spare clothes and changing resources on the children’s pegs. We continue to be a nut free environment, though this is no longer extended to “products that may contain nuts”. 

We would like to invite all of our families in to stay and play, you can share your interests, play a game, read a book or build a sandcastle the children love to have visitors! We intend to explore our local environment this term, you are more than welcome to join us, if you’d like to volunteer, please see a member of staff.

Sadly, we have had to say goodbye to Heidi, she can no longer come in regularly, though we have asked her to remain on bank to come in when we need her. We wish her the very best for the future! This has left us with a Heidi shaped hole in the team, if you know of anyone or if you would like to pursue a career in early years, we are looking for a member of staff please speak to a member of staff for more information. 


Dates for your diary:  

Autumn term: 2nd September – 13th December 2024 

Half term holiday: 28th October – 1st November 2024 

Halloween Bake sale Thursday 24th October at 2.45
Christmas Fete Monday 2nd December 1-3pm

Christmas Celebration Friday 13th December at 12, more details to follow (there will be no afternoon session on this day).


Thank you for your continued support. 

Paula Abi and the Team. 



About us

Book sharing scheme

All of our children participate in our book sharing scheme. Please could you encourage their love of reading by sharing their book and reminding them to bring their book bag in to preschool to swap the books they have borrowed.

spare clothes

Please remember to pack spare clothes for your children, they love to engage in messy play and sometimes need to change their clothing. If your child comes home in our spare clothing, please could you wash and return them.

letters of the week

Ask your child what the letters of the week are and ask them to find a toy that begins with them.